
Monday, 31 December 2012

Project - China!

Welcome Back!

Our next project will be based on China. As you may be aware, Chinese New Year falls upon the 10th February 2013. We will be looking at Chinese New Year as part of our studies in school, and at home, you will be asked to do a project based on China and life in China. You can do your project in a few different ways. You can put your project in your scrapbook, or make a poster using a large sheet of paper. Some children might like to use ICT to create their projects, and present to the class using Powerpoint. In class we will be looking at a computer program called Photostory, and you can also use this to present your China project.

Some of you may be interested in telling your class all about China in a different way. If you like, you could write a fictional story  (like a Writer's Workshop book), and use your story to tell the class about life in China, either today or in the past. You might like to create a 3-d model (a diorama) showing something about life in China, either in the past or the present, or you may chose to perform a piece of music that can tell us something about life in China. Remember that if you are presenting your project in this way, it must tell us something about life in China, and you should be able to explain how it does this to your classmates.

As before, you can do your research in different ways. This blogspot will provide you with some web addresses that you can use. Remember if you are using the Internet to research your project, always ask a grown up in charge for permission first. Don't forget that if you go on to a webpage that you have been given, stay on that page and do not follow any links, or click on any adverts without permission. Remember that the library is a great place to find information, and you can also ask people who may have visited or even lived in China.

Monday, 8 October 2012


Hello 2nd Class!! Welcome to our class blog.

This is where you will find all the information you need to start your project. In class you will have been put into a project group, and these are the people you will be working with. Each group will have a different question to answer, and there will be different websites for you to look at where you can do your research and find the information you need.

When you have gathered all your information, you can start your project and it is up to you how you decide to present it. You can use your scrapbook if you like, or you can present your project using a computer program such as Powerpoint, Photostory for Windows or Microsoft Word.

Have a look at this sample project:
You may get some ideas for your project here.

Here are some of the websites that contain information on Italy. Remember to ask a parent or guardian for permission, and do not move off the website without checking with them first! (there’s a short video here with some Italian words for you to learn) (there’s a good list of inventors on this site) (this website was created by a lady who went on holiday to Venice. She has included some great information, but there are some advertisements on the page.) (this is a basic, but nice website)

Life in Italy

art in Italy


Pictures & Video (this little girl has lots of videos teaching Italian)